Coaches Travel Fee:

This fee helps defray the costs of food, hotel, transportation for the coaching staff to attend meets outside of Albuquerque. 

Meets in NM outside of ABQ : $25 per athlete, families with more than 2 athletes traveling to compete will not be charged after the second child.

Spring/Summer Finale & State Championships, when outside of ABQ : $50 per athlete, families with more than 2 athletes traveling to compete will not be charged after the second child.

Out of state meets, NOT Team travel : $100 per athlete, families with more than 2 athletes traveling to compete will not be charged after the second child.

Team travel, flying, van/bus out of state: $175 per athlete, when flying, purchase of flight to a competition out of state is the responsibility of the athlete’s family, athlete’s hotel rooms cost will be spread evenly across all team travel athletes. The cost of the van(s) or bus and athlete’s hotel room will be spread evenly across all team travel athletes.  

*Team Travel Definition : Team travel is when athletes travel to a competition out of state with a coach and chaperone and in most cases without their parents.